14 Things Siblings Can Do With The Baby

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Our newest family addition has three big sisters! They are all obsessed with the her and they all want to play a part. Each sibling has their own relational style and we have developed quite a repertoire of things siblings can do with the new baby. My 7-year-old is a natural. She needs very little guidance on what to do with her newest little sister. Next in line is my 5-year-old. She is very playful with the baby and so far she is the only one who has been able to make her laugh!

Finally, there is our (almost) 2-year-old. She has a more difficult time knowing what she can do with this newest family member. Because she is too young to understand how to safely interact with her sister at times I find myself barking “No, no, no” at her. I don’t want to be a mom who is always saying “no”. Especially when her little 2-year-old heart is so full of love and interest toward her new tiny sister! Having an arsenal of things she CAN do is a simple fix.

After you read this post please leave a comment with other ideas that you use in your home! We all can benefit from each other’s top strategies!

What Toddler Siblings Can Do With The Baby

Hold the baby

Usually for about ten seconds and with mom’s help. I have found with each of my last three babies that older siblings long to hold them, but they don’t always know how to ask. Have them sit down just wherever they are and help them hold the baby! Don’t bother with pillows and support – toddlers usually only hold them for about ten seconds.

Make faces

Show your toddler how to stick out her tongue, how to puff out her cheeks, and move her eyebrows. Model getting close to the baby’s face and using a calm soothing voice. The best way to help your toddler interact with the new sibling is to demonstrate it!


Task your toddler with singing for the baby. Even if she only knows two words out of Jesus Loves Me. Or put on some music and have her dance for the baby.


I know, your toddler probably can’t read. But she can page through books and point out favorite things. Model for her how to sit next to the baby and talk about what is in her books. Tell her, It is so important to read to the baby. Babies need us to read lots and lots of books to them. Will you help me read books to your sister?

Play finger games

Our two favorites are “This Little Piggy” and “Round and Round” My toddler loves opening her sister’s tiny hand and drawing circles on her palm while she chants “Round and round the garden goes the teddy bear.” Then she walks her fingers up her arm and tickles her chest with “One step, two step, tickle under there!” For “This Little Piggy” I don’t mind a bit that the baby always has a sock pulled off! Here is a great big library of finger plays and rhymes.

Get things

Toddlers love to feel important. I ask her to get wipes, burp cloths, pacifiers, books, water for me, and various miscellaneous things! She loves to help. She also enjoys the exaggerated “THANK YOU!” that she receives. In addition to participating in life with the baby this is a fantastic way to foster obedience in your toddler!


Big Ideas for Biblical Discipline with toddler holding dad's hand

What Older Siblings Can Do With The Baby

All of the above!

My older daughters sing and read to our baby. In fact, one of their daily tasks is to read for 10 minutes and they love spending that time reading to their little sister.

Do tummy time

Babies are happier doing tummy time when there is someone down on their level with them. I taught my daughters how to position their sister’s arms so that she can push herself up. They know to roll her onto her back when she starts to fuss and get tired. During tummy time they lay face to face with her and keep her company so she isn’t just staring at the carpet! This is a great activity for siblings to do with the baby and it takes something off mom’s task list!

Help with baths

We always just bathe the babies in either our regular tub or in the kitchen sink. But wet babies are slippery and I only have one free hand for opening the soap and actually washing her. Enter siblings! I hold the baby safely while big sister gently uses some baby soap to wash her. They can also help put on baby lotion. They love touching her tiny toes and soft skin!

Create Artwork

It is good for babies to have things around them that are visually stimulating. My older two daughters helped to prepare for the baby by creating beautiful artwork to hang near her “crib”. Our fourth baby started out on our laundry room due to space constraints. Our laundry room is drab to say the least and it really needed some cheer. She was always looking and cooing at those beautiful pictures! Their Christmas gift to her was also a small mobile that they made.


My 5 and 7 year old are often tasked with “babysitting” while I make dinner. It isn’t true babysitting since I am just a few feet away, but using the term makes them feel grown-up and I find they step-it-up a notch when given such a great responsibility. (One key prerequisite is that they know some options for where to safely set the baby – they know not to set her on the couch but to put her on a blanket on the floor/bouncy seat/play gym instead.)

What Older Siblings Can Do To Help The Whole Family

Entertain littles

Every three to four hours babies need to eat. It doesn’t take long for toddlers to figure out that this is the ideal time to get into trouble! My older two are fantastic with occupying the toddler while I nurse the baby. They have access to some great kids music that gets them moving and will have a dance party. Or they’ll read together or simply play babies or kitchen all together for a few minutes. It is really important to remind them that they are serving a vital role in our family and blessing their little sister when they do this. It may be a small thing, but it is important!

Take on some extra chores

We talk with our girls about the fact that we are a family and therefore we work together. Clearing dishes, helping more with the dog, folding some laundry, and a myriad of other tasks are all ways they can participate in making our home run smoothly and blessing their family members! We got this vacuum and it has been a dream! It is light and easy to use so that my little girls enjoy helping with vacuuming! This isn’t necessarily something that siblings can do with the baby, but it is critical to the health of our family that we all work together through a big transition. We have all memorized 1 Corinthians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, working for the Lord and not for men. If you want more ideas on how to get kids cleaning check out this post.

Be patient and gracious

Older siblings are kind of forced to become more patient when a new family member is added, but pointing it out to them and painting it in a positive light really helps. It is obvious to them that I am adjusting and trying to figure out new schedules and systems. There is no hiding how hormonal I am. Saying “thank you for being patient with me while I get used to having another child around” goes along way. Pointing it out lets them know that I notice what they are going through and that their sacrifices are important.


There are many ways to involve siblings with a new baby. Celebrate their involvement and encourage their new relationship! I really enjoy hearing from you! Leave a comment below and share your favorite way to have siblings help with a new little one. Also, I invite you to join this intentional homemaking community – I am a busy mom myself so I promise I won’t flood your inbox!

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